Tuesday, April 11, 2006

$218 Trillion Phone Bill for Malaysian Man

You can't make this stuff up . . . I got the details from the Associated Press wire.

Yahaya Wahab was a very surprised man last week when he received a phone bill for $218 trillion from Telekom Malaysia.

Wahab says he disconnected his late father's phone line in January after he died and settled the then $23 bill in full. Now the phone company has give him ten days to pay in full or face legal proceedings.

Um, I'd take the legal proceeds on this one, Yahaya.

$218 trillion? For what, an intergalactic conference call? I mean, how does the bill ever get that high? If you were to make a phone call to Malaysia and leave the phone line on for a month, could it possibly even cost a billion dollars? Not likely, no matter what kind of ridiculous billing you were getting on your account. Could you get to a billion dollars in three months time? Probably not that way either.

Which begs two questions: first, how in the world does the Malaysian phone company in question come up with a figure almost 100 times greater than the United States' government's annual operating budget? And secondly, why wouldn't the company have demanded payment from Wahab long before the bill ever got that high?

On a side note, I suddenly feel pretty happy with my Verizon phone service. No shameless plug intended.


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